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Myrrh Soap With Essential Oil And Raw Resin.

15,90 Italian VAT included

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Payment: Bank Transfer, Credit Card, Paypal, Satispay (Incenso e Mirra - Frankincense Myrrh Trade).
Delivery: Express and Standard to Europe and ExtraUE.

Myrrh Soap handmade with Myrrh Essential Oil and Myrrh raw resin. Aromatherapy with Myrrh soap handmade in Oman.

We offer also soaps made with Myrrh Essential Oils  and Frankincense Essential Oil,  and soaps made only with Frankincense in resin and oils.
Sales Myrrh Soap handmade for retail and wholesale quantities.

Please enjoy to see our finest soaps and products made with fine essential Oils and pure resins.


Myrrh Soap handmade with Myrrh Essential Oil and fine Myrrh raw resin. Myrrh Soap handmade in Oman.  Aromatherapy with myrrh soap.
How to use: the Myrrh Soap with its natural Myrrh aroma is use to perfumery the rooms and the bathrooms as natural aroma therapy for special moments and enjoying yourself.

Rounded Myrrh Soap handmade in Oman, 200 grammes. Euros 15,90 ( including Italian VAT 22% )

Packs with resealable bags. To enjoy the Myrrh soap fragrance, leave the package open.

We ship by courier, the price of the shipment could change in accordance to the weight of the order, the distance and the type of shipment.

Ingredients of Myrrh Soap:  water, Glycerin, Sodium Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Sorbitol, Sodium Laurate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Stearic Acid, Lauric Acid, Pentasodium Pentetate, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Myrrh Oil.

Culture and History: Myrrh has always been used throughout history as incense and as a natural perfume, as an antiseptic for environments. It is written in the Bible and Koran Sacred Book that since ancient times, Myrrh has been used for the treatments of skin sores, wounds and as an anti-inflammatory for inflammation of the oral cavity, stomach and intestines, to treat musculoskeletal joints. In many populations, Myrrh is still used alone and combined with Boswellia Sacra incense, or with other medical substances in herbal treatments, medicines and cosmetics.

If you want to see the uses of the Myrrh in resins and Myrrh Essential Oils, go the pages of these products on our website. 

Please note: If you have any allergies and intolerances and hypersensitiviness, pregnancy or existing illnesses, we ask you to inquire with a doctor or specialist before purchasing and use our products. The information written in the texts about the application, and the results achieved or the effect of the product, are not scientifically valid claims and scientifically proven effects, are not therapeutic medical scientific statement. Any medical uses are not ascertained by official medicine. Contraindications: allergies and intolerances and hypersensitiviness to the products, and serious heart and vascular diseases. Any use of the products is with the responsibility of the user.


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